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Real Fake Husband: A MM Contemporary Fake Married Romance

  Real Fake Husband

  Lily Light

  Real Fake Husband © 2020 by Lily Light

  Book cover design by Sinfully Sweet Designs

  All rights reserved: No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.

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  How did I end up married to my brother’s best friend?

  Kissing Noah Collins at my ex-boyfriend’s wedding is mistake number one. Agreeing to go out for drinks and karaoke afterwards is mistake number two. It doesn’t help that I still have a massive crush on him. There are several reasons why we can’t stay married. Noah’s cocky and overconfident. He constantly drives me up a wall. I’m a relationship kind of guy and Noah’s commitment shy. We’ll never work out.

  My ex-boyfriend and brother are confident we won’t last. I know we won’t but I’m a sore loser. Noah’s the same. We’ll keep fooling everyone until they concede Noah and I are perfect for each other. There’s just one problem. I don’t understand why being with Noah feels so right. So wonderful. What if the only people we’re fooling is ourselves?

  Real Fake Husband is a low-angst, fake marriage, enemies to lovers contemporary standalone MM romance with a guaranteed HEA.


  1. Ryan

  2. Noah

  3. Ryan

  4. Noah

  5. Ryan

  6. Noah

  7. Ryan

  8. Noah

  9. Ryan

  10. Noah

  11. Ryan

  12. Noah

  13. Ryan

  14. Noah

  15. Ryan

  16. Noah

  17. Ryan

  18. Noah

  19. Ryan

  20. Ryan/Noah

  About the Author



  “Kiss me quick,” I told the guy sitting next to me at my ex-boyfriend’s wedding.

  I didn’t bother checking to see if he was hot, young, or old. It didn’t matter. The moment I glimpsed the handsy couple moving from table to table, greeting their guests, I knew I had to do something drastic.

  Parker only had eyes for Dave and damn it. He never looked at me like that in the two years we were together.

  “What?” Asked the guy next to me.

  That voice seemed vaguely familiar. He sounded gruff, deep, and sexy. Surely that voice matched his face. I leaned over the table and gripped his shoulder.

  I closed my eyes and kissed him. I usually didn’t go around kissing strangers at all my ex-boyfriends’ weddings. I wasn’t that kind of guy. Besides, I’ve only had one ex and I thought Parker was it for me. The love of my life.

  Funny how things quickly devolved between us. Maybe that had been happening for a while now and both of us were too busy to notice.

  I turned my attention back to Mr. Sexy.

  I expected him to draw away immediately. Hell, I was ready to retreat. My cheeks already burned with embarrassment. I figured I’d just apologize to him later on.

  I was unprepared for what he did next. He closed one strong and firm hand over the back of my neck. He kissed me like he meant it. Like it was the zombie apocalypse and we were the last two human beings left on earth.

  Heat rammed down my throat. My trousers began to grow a little tight. Who was this stranger? Why was my body reacting like it belonged to a nervous teenager rather than a 28-year-old man?

  When he pulled away, he left me a little breathless. Both of us were.

  Sinful and piercing blue eyes met mine. It was accompanied by a cheeky, almost wicked grin. Black strands of his perfect hair fell across his face.

  Double shit. What the hell was Noah Collins, my brother’s best friend, doing at Parker and Dave’s wedding? And on the heels of that thought came another.

  Why the hell did he kiss me back?

  “That was some kiss,” Noah murmured.

  I wanted to punch his handsome face and excuse myself. A quick trip to the bar sounded just fine. I could use some liquid courage.

  That would, however, make me a coward. I’d revert being that nervous teenager who foolishly confessed his love to his brother’s best friend.

  “Ryan, I’m glad you can come to our wedding,” Parker said.

  Parker and Dave arrived before I could decide whether to stay and confront Noah or bolt from my chair. The newly married couple looked absurdly good in their matching white tuxedoes. Initially, I thought wearing identical white outfits were tacky.

  That was probably just jealousy talking. The two grooms in this Las Vegas wedding looked fucking picture-perfect until it almost hurt—then Dave decided to open his mouth.

  “Came here alone? No plus one, Ryan?” Dave asked in that smug voice of him.

  I saw Parker throwing him an annoyed look. Trouble in paradise already? Interesting.

  “He’s with me,” Noah said.

  He slid one powerful arm around my shoulders, bringing me close and sending our chairs knocking. Noah winked at me, basically telling me he’d go along with this—whatever this was.

  Why was he even here? I soon found out the answer to that question.

  “Noah, I didn’t know you were with Jordan’s little brother,” Dave said. Dave turned to Parker. “Did you know about this interesting development, hon?”

  At the mention of my older brother, I barely avoided a wince. Good thing Jordan wasn’t around. I didn’t know how he’d react if he saw Noah and me kissing.

  I vaguely remembered my brother mentioning he did know one of the grooms. It only had to be Dave, because Jordan never liked Parker.

  “Not at all. Have you guys recently hooked-up?” Parker asked.

  Noah beat me to the punch before I could answer.

  “We’ve been dating. Four months now. Right, babe?”

  I pursed my lips and glared at him. Babe? I might’ve dated Noah in an alternative universe but even so, I’d never allowed him to call me by such a cheesy nickname.

  Noah had silent laughter in his gorgeous blue eyes. Those eyes. Damn. Noah was always easy to look at. It made me remember all the years I’ve harbored a crush on him. That crush truly never went away.

  I still had a thing for my brother’s best friend. It didn’t matter I hated his guts or the fact he humiliated me all those years ago.

  “That’s right,” I told the newly married couple.

  Two could play at this game. I started this charade, not Noah. I just have to go along with it.

  “Your date?” Dave asked Noah, sounding skeptical.

  I understood why Dave had a hard time believing us. Noah only engaged in casual sex, nothing long-term. For as long as I’ve known him, he never had a serious relationship with anyone. He always bragged he was a free spirit and that no man would ever tie him down.

  “I’ve found the one and that’s Ryan. I’m leaving my whoring days behind.”

  Noah grinned, not at them, but at me. Brownie points to
Noah for being able to sell it. For a second, I almost believed our lie. Need burned in Noah’s eyes but that must be a figment of my imagination.

  Ten years ago, I confessed my love to this man. I offered my heart to him on a platter and he ended up ripping it to pieces. Noah couldn’t want me. He never did.

  I took a risky glance at Noah’s trousers. To my shock, I noticed he was getting hard. For me.

  “Honey, there are other guests to greet,” Parker said, ushering his groom away. Before they moved on to the next table, Parker added, “Good luck, you two. Ryan, you’re going to need it.”

  “What the hell does he mean by that?” I demanded in a fierce voice. “And get your arm off me.”

  Noah shrugged and did as I asked. “Maybe your ex is worried I’m too much for you.”

  I scoffed and met Noah’s eyes. I wanted him to see I was no longer rattled or rendered speechless by his presence alone.

  Noah knew I had an enormous crush on him when I was a teenager. I was an adult now. I was no longer that shy and awkward kid he once knew.

  “I’m getting a drink,” I muttered.

  I left the table, hoping to escape him. I was pretty sure Noah had other things to do. Like flirt with other guests and eventually take one of them back to his room.

  A smidge of jealousy wormed its way inside me. There was no reason for it. Noah and I were nothing to each other. I even saw him as my worst enemy--except a part of me still wanted to know how it’d be like to belong to Noah.

  Too bad we were polar opposites. I was the relationship kind of guy. Noah was commitment-shy. We’d never work out, not in a million years.

  “Ryan, wait up,” Noah called out.

  Go away, I silently willed but I could hear his footsteps behind me. I reached the bar and ordered a glass of red wine.

  “Here you go and for you, sir?” Asked the bartender, looking to Noah.

  I was never a heavy drinker and I could never hold my drink. A half bottle of beer in and I was already drunk.

  “A beer,” Noah answered.

  When I began to make a beeline for our table again, Noah grabbed my elbow.

  “Where are you off to?” Noah asked.

  “Look, I’m grateful you kissed me and pretended to play along, but it’s over,” I said.

  I took a large gulp of my wine and another. It tasted…expensive. I wouldn't be surprised if it was, because I knew Dave was a wine snob.

  How would I know that? Parker called me weeks ago, asking me if I knew anything about wine. Why was I still in contact with my ex, the bastard who broke my heart?

  I was always a pushover, even back when I was a kid. I had trouble saying no to requests, from handsome and manipulative jocks who needed help with their homework to troublesome exes who didn’t know when to quit pushing.

  God. I was pathetic. I took another sip. My glass was almost empty.

  “Slow down. If I remember correctly, you get drunk easily,” Noah said. He pried the glass from my fingers or tried to. “Gimme that.”

  Part of me was pleased he remembered that little factoid about me. I scowled at him. Just like Noah to be bossy. I bet he got his way all the time.

  “No. I still need more alcohol. So, you’re friends with Dave?” I asked him.

  “Dave’s a dick,” he said. “But Jordan and I agreed to come to his wedding because we needed to let off a little steam. Have a little getaway, you know? Didn’t he tell you?”

  I pulled out my cellphone from the back pocket of my jeans. There were a dozen missed calls and messages from my brother.

  Guilt hit me. I’ve been avoiding Jordan because I thought he was calling to persuade me not to go to my ex’s wedding. If I knew Jordan and Noah would be here, I wouldn’t have come to Parker’s wedding at all.

  No. That was a complete lie. The last time I’ve seen Noah was two years ago, at one of our large family barbecues. He looked the same as he did back then. Sinfully handsome but still out of reach.

  “Why did you come to your ex’s wedding? Didn’t Parker break up with you?” Noah asked, sipping his beer.

  “It was a mutual break-up,” I said defensively. “Both of us just kind of lost interest in each other.”

  Not to mention there was no chemistry between us. Sex with Parker was terrible, although Noah didn’t need to know that.

  “Oh?” Noah asked with a raise of his eyebrow.

  I let out a breath. “And Parker and I remained good friends. That’s why I’m here.”

  That wasn’t the real reason. Noah certainly didn’t look like he believed me but it wasn’t like I owed him any explanation.

  “Where’s Jordan anyway?” I asked, scanning the room.

  I found my brother hanging by the buffet tables, talking up a cute waiter. Typical. Both Noah and Jordan were a matching pair. They both seemed intent on never settling down. Which was why Noah would never be a good match for me.

  I snorted. It wasn’t like Noah was throwing himself at me. He probably hung around me out of pity. Maybe he felt obligated to look after me because I was Jordan’s little brother. The latter thought made this situation even more depressing.

  “One beer, please,” I told the bartender.

  “Hold off that order,” Noah said, touching my shoulder. “You might end up doing something you’d regret later on.”

  “Worried about me making a scene?” I asked in a sarcastic voice. “Or maybe because you’re scared you’ll end up puking all over me after I confessed my love to you?”

  Noah grimaced. “That was a long time ago, Ryan. I was a dick to you.”

  “Oh, so you still remember what happened ten years ago?” I asked.

  The bartender handed me my bottle. I took a long pull. Noah brushed his fingers over mine. I thought he wanted to try to take my beer from me again so I yanked the bottle back.

  The sudden motion sent amber liquid splashing. I stared, horrified. Beer soaked Noah’s white shirt underneath his suit.

  “I’m so sorry,” I began.

  I set my beer down at the nearest table and grabbed napkins from the bar. I began to wipe the beer off his shirt. My clumsy efforts only seemed to make the stain spread even faster.

  “Shit,” I muttered.

  “Hey,” Noah said in a calm and sure voice that made me stop.

  Noah took my hands in his and squeezed them. My heart hammered.

  “It’s fine. I’ll head to the men’s room to wash this off. I’ll be right back, so don’t go anywhere,” he said.

  I stood there, staring at his retreating back and feeling like an idiot. What just happened? This trip was supposed to be a mini getaway for me.

  I figured I’d make an appearance at Parker and Dave’s wedding reception. Then spend the rest of the weekend, enjoying my room, only going down for buffets.

  I never expected to bump into my old crush, into Noah. Why do I have a feeling things were about to get wild? But maybe wild was good. Different.

  Noah looked right into me, which never happened before. Maybe it wasn’t that bad if we had a little fun. I followed him to the men’s room.



  I took off my coat, then my shirt. I applied some liquid soap from the dispenser to the fabric. I began to hand wash it.

  Truth be told, I wasn’t that concerned about my shirt. When Jordan suggested we go to Parker and Dave’s wedding, I almost refused. Then Jordan mentioned Ryan might make an appearance.

  That sealed the deal for me.

  Ryan looked happy when I kissed him. It was a damn good kiss. The best I’ve ever gotten. Ryan must’ve thought I’ve locked lips with a hundred men but that wasn’t true. I usually didn’t go on kissing my one-nighters and casual hook-ups.

  Moments ago, we shared something special. The chemistry between us could be unbelievable—if only Ryan let his guard down around me.

  I didn’t blame Ryan. Ryan still hated my guts even though that vomiting incident happened a long time ago. Still, I agreed to come t
o this wedding so I could catch a glimpse of him. A decade ago, Ryan confessed he loved me.

  Well, I didn’t know much about love but I understood on a basic level that he was attracted to me. Back then, I thought he’d been too young for me. That someone so pure and good like Ryan wasn’t for the likes of someone like me.

  People changed. I didn’t accidentally stumble towards his table. I zeroed on him like a hawk the moment I spotted him in the reception room.

  “Hey, how’s it coming along?” Ryan asked, entering the bathroom.

  Ryan halted, staring at me bent over the sink, shirtless. I could tell he appreciated my body.

  Since I lost my job at the accounting firm, I’ve been going to the gym religiously. Working out my frustrations, gave me clarity. Made me feel less of a loser than I really felt.

  I wasted five years of my life at that firm. I expected a promotion. What I got was a boot in the ass instead. It didn’t sit right with me.

  “The stain’s almost out, but it’ll need to dry,” I told him.

  “You missed a spot.” Ryan joined me by the sink. “Let me take over.”

  Bossy Ryan batted my hands away and started scrubbing at my shirt furiously.

  “I’m truly sorry,” he said in that wonderfully soft voice of his.

  “You mean you didn’t mean to throw your drink at me?” I asked, teasing him.

  I wasn’t mad. It was the exact opposite. If Ryan hadn’t accidentally spilled his beer, we both wouldn’t be here in the bathroom. Ryan would’ve probably just walked away from me. I would never have another chance.

  “That wasn’t my intention,” he said quickly, holding out the shirt for me to see.